It’s all about you, Mamma!

Hop off the TTC-burnout-rollercoaster to nowhere.

You've done everything you can to boost your fertility, improve your egg quality, manage your stress levels, eat clean, cleanse, take the supplements, do the meditations, yoga, massages, acupuncture.

You name it, you've done it!

So why isn't it working?

You've been on the TTC-burnout-rollercoaster for longer than you care to think about and you're exhausted. 

You panic whenever someone says your age out loud.

It's a knife in the heart when a parent admires how perfect your life is and tells you how lucky you are not to have children.

You feel left behind while everyone around seems to be having babies and getting on with it.

You look around and all you see is pregnant women... EVERYWHERE...

Your heart breaks a thousand times over... Every. Day.

You feel restless, uneasy, frustrated. This is not what you imagined having a baby would be like.

Hiya, I'm Sim, the Joyful Fertility Coach.

I help women struggling with fertility step out of trying to conceive from a place of exhaustion, fear, doubt and scarcity, and into conceiving with innate joy, ease, possibility and serenity.

I’ve been where you are…

Like many women I knew in my twenties, I wasn’t in a rush to have children. I actively avoided it! I was building a career in theatre and film and I loved my job and the life I was working my a** off to build.

But everything changed in my late thirties when I was jolted awake at 3am one morning by a panic attack and an endless barrage of frenzied thoughts:

"What if this doesn't happen? What if I waited too long?  I've done everything right. I'm doing everything right, why isn't it working? What if I'm too old and it's too late? I don't know if I can keep going like this..." 

I'd just had my third miscarriage. I'd been trying to get pregnant - or rather stay pregnant!- for over three years. I was devastated, exhausted, and overwhelmed by guilt and shame.

I had done everything I was told would boost my fertility: the supplements, diets, yoga, cleanses, affirmations, OPKs, aggressive IUI and IVF protocols. But it wasn’t working.

I was worn down and burned out on baby-making. I sooo wanted to stop, but I didn't know how.

At the same time, I'd come so far. The mere thought of giving up hurt my heart and soul so deeply I could scarcely breathe.

I wanted to be a mother more than anything I'd ever wanted before. Deep down, I knew that being a parent was part of my purpose on this planet. But I really didn't know how to go on.

I couldn't quite shake a niggling feeling in the back of my mind that I was missing something, a really important piece of the getting pregnant puzzle. 

Fast forward to another 3am breakdown a few weeks later and the flash of clarity that would turn that niggling feeling and my conception journey on its head.

I'd been so focused so on making the baby happen that I'd forgotten the most important part of my conception journey, me

If I was doing everything right, everything I believed would work, what was I doing, or not doing, that was getting in my way?

If you've been trying to conceive for a while, done “all-the-things”, and nothing has worked, perhaps it's time to think about pregnancy blocks and the blind spots that may be getting in your way.

What are pregnancy blocks and blind spots?

Pregnancy blocks are self-protective strategies are formed in response to acute pain, fear or trauma.

They start out as coping mechanisms that are part of our survival instinct, and are usually not a problem until they start getting in the way of you being able to get or stay pregnant.

You are doing nothing to consciously create these blocks.

And because they live deep in the crevices the subconscious mind and the emotional body, you may not even have suspected that they could possibly be sabotaging your efforts to conceive.

Read my blog about learn more about your potential pregnancy blocks and blind spots and what you can do to release them and clear your pathway to conception.

Unlike blocks, blind spots are thoughts and behaviours you consciously engage in without fully understanding the negative impact they have on your fertility outcomes.

You may start a new IVF cycle not wanting to get your hopes up because a previous cycle didn't yield as many eggs or embryos as you'd hoped for. So to protect yourself from more disappointment you adjust your expectations so that they're more 'realistic'.

What you may not be seeing clearly in the moment is that by expecting the worst you're approaching trying to conceive from a place of lack, scarcity, fear and self-doubt.

You are the priority of your conception journey.

While having a baby is your deepest desire and your happy ending, reconnecting to your source energy and coming back your wellbeing and innate joy is the most essential part of your conception journey.

Bringing your mind and body into gentle, intuitive alignment, nourishing your spirit, and replenishing your resilience is what will help you release pregnancy blocks and allow your body to thrive, blossom and open you up to receive your baby.

The Joyful Way

Stop living in endless cycles of crisis and despair. Harness the full potential and possibility of your fertility.

The Joyful Way is a no-guilt, no-shame, no-blame, safe zone. It's a lush and fertile space for courageous hearts and open, curious minds.

Ready to find your Mind-Body-Spirit-Baby sweet spot?

Doubting your intuition and placing more faith and importance in statistics, doctors and clinics can cause you to give up your power and the vital, divine, creative energy you need to bring your baby into the world .

Conceive from a place of joy, optimism and a fertile mind.

Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting, soulful and joyful experiences we can have as women.

You deserve to relish every moment of it without feelings of anxiety, pressure, fear, shame or doubt. 

I have full confidence that you and your medical team are acing it on taking care of your body.

Let me help you with the rest.

Together we can nurture, heal and harness the power of your mind so that you can live your most fertile and joyful life while trying to conceive.

The Joyful Way is for you if you've reached the point where you know it's time to come up for air, lighten your load, and create more ease and flow on your conception journey.

It breaks my heart when I see women give up on their dream of having baby too soon.

Many do. Not because of a poor prognosis or the expense of treatment, but because of the mental strain and lack of proper emotional support and encouragement when they most need it. 

You're here because you're not ready to give up.

Let's have a conversation about how I can make it easier for you to get there.

Opening up to receive opens you up to conceive.

If you're ready for honest, empathic, coaching, and a fresh, intuitive and creative approach to deep self-love and self-care while trying to conceive, you've come to the right place.

I know first hand how lonely, frustrating and depleting struggling with fertility and going through IVF is. You don't have to do it alone.

The Joyful Way is a no-guilt, no-shame, no-blame, safe zone. It's a lush and fertile space for courageous hearts and open, curious minds.

Join me. Let's explore and see how many fun, outside the box ways we can come up with to bring Joy back to your conception adventure.

There's always room for more Joy.

Things you might want to know about me if we're going work together:

  • I'm a deliriously happy and grateful Solo-mum and gave birth to my first baby after 40.

  • I'm a forever student at Forever University. There's so much to learn but at the rate I'm going I doubt I'll ever graduate.

  • I love to travel and have lived in South Africa, The United Kingdom, New York, California and the Pacific Northwest. Final destination TBD…

  • Introvert and recovering perfectionist... I see you over there ;)

  • I'm a tea connoisseur. A good cup of tea is the portal to my happy place. - I don't do tea bags. Just... no.

  • I love spicy food. Because I'm spicy.

  • I'm also a bit saucy so be prepared to duck the occasional flying f-bomb.

  • I'm addicted to lip balm and hand lotion. Isn't everyone?

  • I love yoga for the naps.

  • My sciencey brain loves the Jungian perspective on the Tarot.

  • Always up for a dance party in my pyjamas. Always up for anything in my pyjamas... Isn't everyone?

  • Even though 95% of my work is firmly grounded in science, I feel a deep spiritual connection to my work so there will be a little bit of woo.