The Joyful Way

The Mind-Body-Spirit sweet spot.

Harness the full potential of your fertility.

The Joyful Way

A 3 month one-to-one program that nurtures your Mind, Body & Spirit so that you can release your pregnancy blocks and create more ease and flow on your conception journey.

How we think about getting pregnant, and the deep unconscious beliefs, fears and doubts we hold about conceiving and motherhood, has a profound impact on how our bodies behave, the choices we make, and the actions we take to achieve our deepest desire.

I see you. It hurts to think about how long you’ve been trying to get pregnant yet it’s all you can think about.

Sometimes it feels like the trying-to-conceive-rollercoaster has hijacked every aspect of your life: your relationship, social life, career, finances, your physical and emotional health, your soul.

You’ve given it your all, done everything right, tried “all-the-things” you were told would boost your fertility but nothing seems to be working.

And still you can’t shake the feeling that maybe you're missing something?...

It isn’t supposed to be this hard, this torturous, this depleting, right?

You're worn down, feed up and burned out on baby-making.

Every time you think your heart can’t break or hurt any more… it does...

You miss the vibrant, energetic, kick-ass woman you used to be before all this baby-making madness started.

But you've come too far to give up now.

Because deep down, you know that you’re meant to be a mother. You’ve always known. It’s your truth.

You can create more ease, flow and joy on your conception journey.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and learn more about how The Joyful Way can support you while you’re trying to conceive.

What if you could:

  • Wake up in the morning feeling rejuvenated and open to the possibility of conceiving with ease and joy.

  • Feel emotionally, physically and spiritually balanced from deep within every day. 

  • Drop the overwhelm and drain of the never ending “trying-to-get-pregnant to do list

  • Slow down, catch your breath and reduce the stress and tension you’re living with in a healthy, manageable and sustainable way.

  • Get back to living a rich, nourishing and fulfilling life you deserve without fear, self-doubt, loneliness, shame and feelings of worthlessness simmering beneath the surface.

  • Feel deeply connected to your partner, the way you did before trying to conceive hijacked your relationship, life together and plans for the future. 

  • Look forward to the next IVF cycle or embryo transfer instead of trying to ignore the knot of dread you've been living with in the pit of your stomach.

By nurturing your mind as intentionally and diligently as you prepare the body for conception, you can release pregnancy blocks, heal unresolved trauma, and affect how your body functions to improve fertility and IVF outcomes.

The Joyful Way is a unique blend of fertility education, somatic hypnotherapy, trauma healing, emotional regulation strategies and life coaching, designed to gently and intuitively bring your Mind, Body and Spirit into balance and help clear your way to conception. 

You can harness the full potential of your fertile Mind, Body & Spirit to clear your pathway to conception.

Over 3 months we’ll work together to strengthen your Mind-Body-Spirit connection and release the blocks standing in the way of you getting and staying pregnant.

You’ll learn practical and effective techniques to help you manage stress, restore hope, and replenish your resilience to support you through treatment, the 2-week-wait, and into anxiety-free pregnancy.

  • Soothe

    Soothe anxiety & stress to help you create more ease & flow.

  • Release

    Release old traumas, negativity & pregnancy blocks getting in your way.

  • Nurture

    Grow your joy & nurture your soul so that you can live a rich, fertility, full life.

  • Balance

    Find your Mind-Body-Spirit-Baby sweet spot.

  • Create

    Rewrite your conception story with your wellbeing at the centre of it.

Sim helped me I dig deep in search of what was holding me back and made a huge difference during a difficult time in my fertility journey and professional life.

“This was my first-time experiencing hypnotherapy and I am glad I chose Sim to embark on the journey. Sim helped me I dig deep in search of what was holding me back and made a huge difference during a difficult time in my fertility journey and professional life. After our sessions, I felt more relaxed, positive about the issues I wanted to address, had deeper, more satisfying sleep, and most of all the will to achieve the goals worked on. She’s outstanding! You would not regret choosing her as your guide and companion on your journey.”

- RM, New York

This is for you if…

  • You want more ease and support on your conception journey because you understand that prioritising your emotional wellbeing and overall health is what will help you fulfil your deepest desire of having a baby.

  • The struggle has left you feeling like a personal failure and you’re overwhelmed by fear, frustration, self-doubt, grief, guilt and shame.

  • You've experienced pregnancy loss and find yourself in a heightened state of anxiety, bracing for next thing to go wrong.

  • You're catastrophising, worrying that you're too old to have a healthy baby, distrusting your body and egg quality, worrying that you're running out of time or that maybe you've already missed the boat?

  • You’re triggered by pregnancy or birth announcements and can't help comparing yourself to everyone else, worrying that you're falling behind while everyone around you is having babies and getting on with their lives.

  • You carry unresolved personal or generational trauma that bring up feelings of shame, inadequacy or unworthiness.

  • You're willing to look more deeply at releasing any potential blocks that may standing in your way of getting or staying pregnant.

This is NOT for you if…

  • You feel triggered or offended by the idea that your thoughts, beliefs and emotions influence and have a deep impact on how your body and fertility functions.

  • You're not curious about how your unconscious thoughts, past experiences or beliefs may be blocking you from conceiving and don’t believe that you can do anything about it.

  • You're not open to harnessing the power of your Mind-Body-Spirit alignment to improve your fertility health and outcomes.

  • You're not willing to investing the time and energy to prioritise your wellbeing and commit to doing the exercises and practices that will bring more ease, joy, serenity and hope to your conception journey.

  • You're not interested in trying a new approach that is grounded self-compassion, self-love, vulnerability, grace and gratitude.

  • You are looking for quick, instant results without much effort on your part.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and learn more about how The Joyful Way can support you while you’re trying to conceive.

…her process had me feeling relaxed and confident about my upcoming retrieval and transfer.

“I had the pleasure of working with Sim for fertility hypnosis and it was a wonderful experience!  She's passionate and focused, and her process had me feeling relaxed and confident about my upcoming retrieval and transfer. I’d highly recommend working with Sim. She’s amazing!”

- BW, Chicago

Nothing replaces the individualised support and attention of one-to-one connection with a professional who gets it.

The Joyful Way is my highest level of support to help you cultivate a fertile mind, live a rich, full and meaningful life, and nurture your fertility while trying to conceive.

You’ll have -

Foundational 90-min. session to get you started.

Every conception journey is unique. We’ll begin with where you are, talk through your conception history and reimagine your conception story with your wellbeing at the centre of it.

A personalised support and accountability plan to move you forward.

The Joyful Way is tailored to your unique needs, goals and lifestyle. You’ll come away with manageable tools, exercises and strategies to help you cultivate resilience and a robust self-care practice so that you can conceive from a place of innate joy, ease, and optimism.

8x 60-min sessions over 3 months.

Learning a new approach and mindset to trying to conceive requires patience and self-compassion. We’ll work to reduce your anxiety, process loss and grief, heal fertility trauma and release pregnancy blocks.

Convenient online video sessions from anywhere in the world.

All sessions are conducted on Google Meet and can be done in the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. Find a quiet spot, pull on your favourite yoga pants and grab a cup of tea.

Email and Voxer support between sessions.

Trying to conceive is unpredictable. There may be times when you need to ask questions or a little extra support. You can always shoot me an email, and I use a free app called Voxer to offer additional support to my clients. I’m available to you Monday - Friday between sessions and will do my best to respond within 24-48 hours. I’m here for you.

Session recordings on request.

A lot can unfold in a session. Revisiting sessions for deeper insight into your growth or to review a guided meditation or exercise can be extremely beneficial and comforting as you move along.

** please note that I do not record sessions unless requested.

Book a free 30-min. Clarity call and learn more about how The Joyful Way can support you while you’re trying to conceive.

The Joyful Way

investment is $1495

or 2 instalments of $750

Interested in finding out more about how we could work together? 

Click the button and schedule a free 30-min Clarity Call with me to see if we’re the right fit and if this is the right investment for you and your conception journey at this time.

Hiya, I’m Sim.

I'm a certified Fertility Wellness Coach and IVF HypnoCoach. You might call me the Joyful Fertility Coach.

I help women struggling with fertility step out of trying to conceive from a place of fear, doubt, and scarcity and into a mindset of potential, possibility and joy.

I know first hand how demoralising, lonely and depleting struggling to conceive can be. My own five year struggle to birth my beautiful IVF Little were the most distressing and heartbreaking years of my life.

I help my clients replenish resilience and confidence in their ability to create the family of their dreams no matter the odds. And I provide the nurturing support, guidance and tools they need to find their Mind-Body-Spirit-Baby sweet spot.

With practical, manageable tools and exercises, I'll help you cultivate a healthy self-care and self-love practice grounded in compassion, wholeness and joy.

Learn more about how I can help you find ease and balance so you can live a rich, joyful, fertile life while trying to conceive.

Learn more about how The Joyful Way can help you release your pregnancy blocks and help clear your pathway to conception.


  • I'm sorry you've tried to tackle this before with support and felt let down.

    The Joyful Way is different from many of the programs out there because it's centred on supporting your well being, health and healing as you move through your conception journey.

    This, understandably, may seem counterintuitive because you're focused on getting pregnant and having a baby.

    The baby, after all, is the point of all your efforts, right?

    This may come as a surprise, but not all fertility issues are related to the function of your reproductive organs or hormone numbers.

    Many women come to me with unexplained infertility. They're perfectly healthy, they've done everything right, yet find themselves struggling to get or stay pregnant. We often have to look a little deeper for an explanation and solution.

    Three truths about getting pregnant and fertility they didn't tell you in sex ed:-

    1. Many women carry unresolved trauma and wounds that impacts their desire to become a mother without being aware of it. These traumas and wounds can show up as pregnancy blocks and blind spots that on the surface seem completely unrelated to their fertility.

    2. The healthier you are emotionally, mentally and spiritually, and the more joy and ease you live your life with, the better your chances of conceiving.

    3. Fertility is complex and mysterious. There are so many moving parts. Parts that we have control over and parts that are beyond our control or comprehension.

    While your doctors are there to take care of your physical body - and that is their main purpose and focus, all their attention is on pregnancy and the baby. They often overlook the most vital part of conception, the part that is most often ignored, disregarded and slips through the cracks to end up last on the list. You.

    You are the most vital component of your conception journey. Without you there can be no baby.

    Your conception journey is unique and personal.

    The Joyful Way is designed to nurture and support that uniqueness. I tailor every aspect of program specifically to your needs. This is the joy and advantage of working one-to-one. It's not a one-size-fits-all program to follow on your own without direct support and guidance.

    I will be with you every step of the way because I’ve been where you are. I know how isolating and overwhelming trying to figure it all out on your own can be.

    My aim is support you and improve how you’re feeling and thinking about your conception journey and yourself in it, and in doing so help move you closer to your baby.

    Because your baby will ultimately come from your body, your mind and your spirit.

    And the healthier and more balanced you are, the better your chances of conceiving.

    I hope this is helpful. Shoot me email if you have any questions I can help you with.

  • I help women struggling to conceive deal with the emotional and mental overwhelm, anxiety, and stress resulting from a difficult conception journey. Yet every woman is unique with a unique set of circumstances.

    The best way to find out if The Joyful Way is right for you is by getting on a Clarity Call with me and talking through your specific situation, needs and questions.

    For those who struggle to start a family, it can sometimes feel like struggling to conceive has taken over your life.

    The first step is to help you find ease, comfort and nourishment while trying to conceive. This will allow you to find Mind-Body-Spirit alignment, and allow your energy to flow more intuitively so that you can step back into the divine joy and power of your fertility.

    If we start with nurturing and giving your heart and soul what you most need, creating what you want will feel more accessible and achievable

  • First, I’m so sorry you had to go that. I know the agony of loss.

    Whenever or however your loss occurred - early, missed, stillbirth, medical or elective termination - I understand how deeply losing a baby can wound and distort your future dreams and linger long after you thought you’ve dealt with it.

    I also understand how the fear and anxiety around getting pregnant again or experiencing another loss can overtake you.

    More often than not, we don’t allow ourselves the full scope and experience of our grief because it’s too painful, deeply personal and isolating.

    However, for some, trying to conceive alongside the complex thoughts, beliefs and emotions associated with a previous loss can inadvertently create emotional and mental pregnancy blocks we have no idea have taken root.

    I can help you process your grief and begin healing and releasing the trauma and subconscious blocks that might be keeping you from getting or stay pregnant again.

    Just having the space and support alone can be life changing.

  • I hear you. Hypnosis has gotten a bad wrap.

    But contrary to what you’ve seen in movies or stage demos, hypnosis is not mind control, amnesia, going to sleep or a black out. You’re not going to reveal you deepest darkest secrets or get “stuck in a trance”. And I'm not going to make you cluck like a chicken.

    Hypnosis is natural state of deep focus and relaxation that we experience several times a day without noticing or knowing it.

    Daydreaming is a form of self-induced hypnosis. So are the times you zone out on the highway then pull up to your destination unable remember how you got there. Or those times you lose track of time in the shower and come up with the solution to a problem you've been thinking about for days. These are a few simple examples of when the subconscious mind over takes critical thinking and runs the show.

    The beauty of the subconscious is that it's infinitely intelligent; a reservoir of imagination, creativity and solutions. It is constantly learning, growing and adapting.

    The subconscious mind is also where our brain stores our habits, memories, beliefs and emotions; pre-programmed systems we rely on to move through our lives with safety and ease, and requires a minimal amount of energy or conscious thought.

    Yet some pre-programmed habits and beliefs outgrow their usefulness over time and can become blocks and blind spots to our desires and success.

    Hypnosis allows us to collaborate directly with the subconscious mind to renegotiate or clear away things that are no longer useful to us and may in fact prevent us from creating and living the lives we want.

    Because we're bypassing the critical mind and going directly to the source, we're able to speed up the process of bringing the mind and body into alignment and create long-lasting improvement and change. In this way hypnosis goes much deeper than mindfulness or guided meditation and is much more effective.

    It feels a lot like mediation, but instead of trying to silence your thoughts, we're actively engaging with your thoughts in a highly focused, deeply relaxing and safe way.

    This is especially helpful for people who find mediation anxiety provoking, or for whom mediation simply doesn't work. Hypnosis is a safe, fast and effective alternative.

    You're completely conscious and fully aware of everything around you at all times. And your full consent and participation in the process is crucial as you are the one doing the work. As the therapist I am simply your guide and anchor through the process.

    You'll emerge from a session feeling alert, calm and rejuvenated. And within a few days you'll begin to notice a difference in how you feel and move through your daily life.

  • I can’t promise you a baby. No one can. And I’d be wary of any coach claiming they can guarantee you will get pregnant if you work with them. Not even IVF can promise that and it is unethical to do so.

    What I can ensure is that in working together we'll clear the pathway to improve your chances of conceiving.

    The work we do will improve your overall health: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual, and help you reclaim your vitality and life.

  • First and foremost, this is my deepest, most heartfelt wish for you! I want nothing more than for you to get knocked up and bring your sweet baby home.

    Yet for many of us, reaching pregnancy is not the neat, happy ending we dream it will be when we set out.

    I know from personal experience that getting pregnant after a long struggle can be a minefield of fresh, unanticipated anxieties and uncomfortable emotions. The first trimester (and often beyond) can feel even more vulnerable, challenging and precarious than the trying phase.

    It's not unusual to be blindsided by new fears, doubts, and unexpected shades of inadequacy and unworthiness you thought would vanish with a positive pregnancy test.

    It's for this reason that I've created Joyful Pregnancy, a support offering specific to the needs of women for whom getting pregnant was not a straight line.

    Should you conceive (Yay!!!) while working through The Joyful Way, we'll simply shift the focus of our remaining sessions to making sure you have the vital support and nurturing you need in those first few anxiety-riddled months of pregnancy and beyond.

    You can learn more about my Joyful Pregnancy offering here. Shoot me an email if you have any questions and I'd be more than happy to walk you through deciding if it's the right support for you.

  • You could. There's a plethora of great resources (Youtube, books, podcasts... etc.) to educate yourself on everything related to fertility and emotional wellbeing.

    However, these resources, while convenient, can be generic, overwhelming, further isolating, and time consuming to wade through.

    Because I tailor The Joyful Way specifically to your needs you won't waste time going down rabbit holes that are not right for you and your unique circumstances. And time, we know, is not a luxury when struggling to conceive.

    Working one-to-one with me will provide you with the guidance, support and accountability to keep you focused, grounded and moving forward.

    If you have questions I recommend we get on a Clarity call to find out exactly what you need, what you've been missing, and design a self-care conception practice that fits you, your motivation level and your life.

  • Bringing your mind-body-spirit connection into healthy alignment and reframing unhelpful mindsets to best support your fertility takes time, commitment and patience. The Joyful Way is cumulative process, with each session building on the progress of the previous sessions.

    I've designed it specifically for busy professional women so there's no long training or hours of reading.

    Spread out 3-4 months you'll have the time and space you need to integrate and cultivate results you want to achieve in a lasting, pressure-free way.

  • Reaching out for help can be intimidating, scary and even cause you to feel embarrassed. Especially when you’re at your most vulnerable.

    I work hard to make you feel safe and that your boundaries are honoured. I want you to feel like you’re talking to an old friend

    My sessions are extremely laid-back and deeply relaxing.

    Sometimes we’ll be having a conversation with your eyes open. Sometimes you’ll be so relaxed they’ll be closed.

    Most importantly, nothing happens without your consent.

    If this sounds like exactly what you need or have been looking for, I’m happy to answer any questions you have about any aspect of my work at any time.

    Book a Clarity call. Let me know what you need and how I can help.

    We’ve got this!

  • I offer a one time only 75 min. Joyful Power Hour to laser-focus on whatever issue you want to unpack and get clarity on.

    The Joyful Way and Joyful Pregnancy are designed to be most effective and yield the best results when worked through from beginning to end of the programs.